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Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Great News!! I Have Access to Overseas Android Phones at Incredible Prices!!

Now you can get amazing phones at a reasonable price! All without contract and unlocked! I will be completely honest with all of my readers:


I have looked at many reviews and tons of the technical specifications of the phones and they have great readouts. Amazing processors, upgraded ROM, RAM and cameras! They are top of the line phones but the prices are just better because of them all being produced overseas. I have a direct connection to the supplier.  It has taken me quite some time to foster this connection but I am passing the savings onto you!

All of the phones I have looked at are Android phones, majority being Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). A few are still ICS but I will list the specs of the phones and pictures under the Phones for Sale tab. They will also have their own labels marked under Android Phones. If you are interested in any of the phones or want more details on any of the models simply leave a comment on the site and your questions will be answered.

I believe these phones will be the waive of the future with more no contract prepaid carriers surfacing! This will allow users to get top of the line phones without costing an arm and a leg. In my opinion, the best of both worlds. You get a phone that you want at a price that is reasonable with service that works. I will work out special pricing for anyone under my cell service and even better pricing for those switching service!

The new phones that will be showcased first are:

Android Mirror = similar look and feel of the iPhone

Android Vapor = sleek and sexy smartphone that has its own appeal

Android Float = Another overseas original at a great price

Android X = Very stylish Android phone

Android Virgo = Similar look and feel to the Galaxy SIII

Android Orion = Similar look and feel to the Note 2

Android Javelin = Another overseas original

Android Gunmetal = A nice look and very popular overseas

Android Avior = Similar look and feel to the Galaxy SIV

Android Ripple = Similar look and feel to iPhone 5 with Retina display

Android Apollo = Large screen smart phone 

Let's go out and change the face of technology with a new lineup of Android Smart Phones!

Knowledge Blast #13 - MSI

The background information you will need for this Knowledge Blast is MSI. Some may have never heard of this acronym. It stands for Multiple Streams of Income. This Knowledge Blast will cover why MSI is so vital to your life and why you need to strive towards creating them.
When income is talked about, the average person thinks first of a job. This is correct that it an income source but it is not a way to create an MSI. You can not earn additional income from your job unless your employer permits a way for you to earn. The earnings in a job are either by time or production. One stream of income. If you are paid by both methods, then you now have a job with MSI. These are rare and at times can have a high turnover or production goal to earn your MSI. The other risk with have just a job, if anything happens to that job your income stops. If that is the case then your job is not an MSI.
In comes Network Marketing. MSI can be created in just about any Network Marketing company. This is simply because others can join your team. Each Team Member becomes an MSI as their production increases the team production and thus adds more income to the team. You can be affiliate with more than one Network Marketing opportunity. Thus adding more 'tools to the tool belt'. If you have multiple team members in multiple opportunities, these all add more MSI. If one member or one opportunity ends, you still have others to fall back on. This is what you need to create in your life so that you have true security. Money is a worry that can be eliminated when you make enough of it. Everyone's money number is different but they can all be obtained. MSI will take care of a stress of job loss, unemployment and the dreaded job search that the average person goes through. It allows you to fall back to one of your MSI's and focus on that until another opportunity arises. Contact me directly and I will help you develop MSI in your life.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Knowledge Blast #12 Four Year Career

This Knowledge Blast is to be that motivation if you haven't reached your goals quit yet. Do not be discouraged, do not quit, do not give up and make the decision to be in it for the long haul. If you went to college and selected a degree they showed you all the classes you needed to complete to get it and how long that would take you. On average, its 4 years. That is before you even get a chance to start your career.

In comes Network Marketing. There are plenty of teachers and professors in the profession. Lots of class variety from offline to online and free to high priced. The timeline is the same in Network Marketing, but there is no order of classes and no one makes you go to class or grades you. You learn at your own pace and strive towards your own end goal. On average, it takes a person about 4 years to get to where they set out to be in Network Marketing.
So don't be discouraged if you are there yet in year 1 or 2 or even 3 it may come all together for you in years 4 and 5. It might take you 8-10 years similar to those that seek to become doctors and lawyers but the fact remains that once its done you are accomplished the goal you set out to achieve and that can never be denied. So do not give up until you reached your goal. You do not want to have the regret of what you could have been hanging over you when you were the only one to stop you. Stay strong young Networker, you will make it in the end!


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Knowledge Blast #11 Marketing

Marketing is the base point of any business. If no one knows what you are doing then you will never sell any of your products or services. Marketing comes in many froms from advertising, calling out, promotions etc. This will always continue going forward and new ways will always be developed to enhance marketing strategies. Everyone has marketed something at one time or another by simply telling someone else about a product or service. A product or service can be boiled down to just about anything you can think of. A movie is a product of the service of a movie theatre. If you told someone to go see a new movie, you just marketed a product. The only issue with this is that you do not receive anything for this marketing effort.

In comes Network Marketing. With Network Marketing you are marketing to your own network. This can be the network that you have already built or a network you build. Either way you will get paid for everything that your market or at least you should be. If you are not getting paid then you have a backline to why you would market that product or service. There are some who market free products just to help grow their network and from that connect, then additional products and services can be marketed to those in the free product network. That is a funnel type process. The free offer filters interested parties, then you may have a few other levels of products to follow but the free product opens the door for you. A marketing funnel is a great tool to utilize as a feeler to attract qualified people to your primary opportunity. So it is okay to have a funnel just make sure that you are actually moving people thru the funnel to your primary opportunity to maximize your efforts.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Knowledge Blast #10 Pyramid Scheme

It's time to put this to rest once and for all. Network Marketing is not a pyramid scheme thing. PYRAMID SCHEME's are ILLEGAL!! That means not operational, will be found out, shut down, jail time and the like. If you are looking at a company take a look at where it is located first off. Any organization originated in the United States will have to be listed as a business to operate through distributors a.k.a. marketers a.k.a. representatives a.k.a. agents a.k.a. partners etcetera. Most reputable businesses will be listed with the Better Business Bureau which will review and grade businesses based on their activity, complaints and handling of said complaints. Look at a companies existence time, if they have paid anyone over $600 in a year, the IRS will know about it and that review will come down hard if anything is out of order. So if the a company has made it past year 3 they have already been through some sort of IRS review on their payouts. Also look at what a company is paying out. If they are paying out more than they earn then they won't be in business forever. A profit must be made in order for a business to stay in business. No more than 50% of profits should ever be paid out. Profits are different than revenue and that will be on a different blast for another time. There were scams and schemes in the past and there are still some out there today. All completely illegal. Network Marketing is not illegal. Just look at the example you are on today with Facebook. It started as a social network and expanded from one dorm room to another. Now it is all over the world. That is all network marketing is. Facebook as a product instead of a website. The big difference with social Network Marketing is that the average person gets paid! Instead of the shareholders. So the next time you hear pyramid scheme, here is some information for that person. Unbiased to a company or program just factual information on the legality of the Network Marketing Profession. Which is now the second highest paid profession in the United States with the most 6 figure earners!


Friday, May 3, 2013

Knowledge Blast #9 Never Quit

In Network Marketing, you are just 1 person away from an explosion in your business. You will not know when that will come but just know that it is there. You have to continue until it happens. Do not stop or ever give up. There is nothing holding you back from success in network marketing but yourself. Just keep growing, developing and exposing. This business is one that is built not bought. Most would try to stand on the foundation of network marketing and build under themselves. That fact of the matter is you must keep at it until it is a sturdy foundation before you try to stand on it. Build up a following, an anticipation, a reason and then use that vision to create a team. Build with that team to create a success story. Share that success story to inspire others. Fuel that inspiration with motivation. Utilize that motivation to build financial freedom. Utilize that financial freedom to chase your dreams! Never quit! Never give up on a path that can get you to your dreams!


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Knowledge Blast #8 Change

Albert Einstein's definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over and over again, expecting different results. Many people are still in the loophole of go to school, get good grades, so you can go to a good college, get good grades so you can land a good job. Even when landing a job, some people are still following that same pattern and ending up average and mediocre. It's time for all of that to change. Make a conscious decision to change the status quot and do things a bit differently to get a different result.

In comes Network Marketing. For years, Network Marketing has been that edge that the average person can get on life. It was the only vehicle that allowed you to build part time and return full time results. There was no limits in Network Marketing and with that it took some time to get it right. Just as anything starting up for the first time. The vision and goal was there it just had to evolve. Now it has created the most 100,000 a year earners in any industry. I am sure it will soon create the most millionaires too. The top money earners are all owners! Coincidence? I think not. Owning is the only security in life. You may feel secure in your job, but that can be changed at any time without your control if you are not and owner. Still there are some owners that are pushed out of their companies. The late great Steve Jobs for example was pushed out of Apple when he started it. Luckily for him, he got back in but that does not always happen when you are not an owner. In summary, own your own destiny by owning up to all responsibilities.
