Thursday, December 31, 2015

2016 is the Year of Abundant Success!!

2016 is set to be an amazing year! There are tons of opportunities available and there is no reason you should not be reaching for success in 2016! I am here to help you reach your desired level of success! 

Let's lock arms in 2016 and ride into a better future, not only for us, for the world! 

Connect with me on Facebook at

Stay connected so we can make 2016 the best year possible! 

Creator of the MSI Concept

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas 2016 from The MSI Concept Join In Free!!

2016 is set to be a huge year! There is a lot of great content coming and if you don't want to miss it, be sure to like and follow our Facebook page at 

Check out a taste of what we will be doing with the Free Wealth Boot Camp! We look forward to working with you to reach the Success level you desire in 2016!!

Creator of the MSI Concept 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


If you haven't checked it out lately, head over to and check out all of the new phones!! We also have a new service provider in GCN Wireless that will allow you to get great cell service as GCN is powered by the AT&T towers!

The most popular plan is the $49.95 unlimited talk and text with 4GB of LTE data coverage! This is available with activation and sim card shipment in the store for a combo of $80 (Sim card + Activation + Service) 

Partner up with GCN and myself to find out how you can eliminate your phone bill with a few referrals! 5 to be exact!! 

I look forward to helping you get into a great new phone for the holidays and eliminating your phone bill in 2016!!

Cam Callender

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Instant Meeting 2015 12 12 Lead Generation Training

Another great training from the MSI Concept!
Connect with me at

Cam Callender
Creator of the MSI Concept

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


If you haven't checked out my online store at lately, I encourage you to take a look! We just had a huge price drop on lots of the products available in the store! We will be adding more soon into the new year! Be on the lookout for more great products as well as Like our Facebook Page and click on the Events and Shop tabs to subscribe for updates! 

The MSI Concept will always look to get you great deals on the products you normally purchase by find you new brands that over high quality merchandise without putting a dent in your wallet!

Do you have your own products that you would like to begin marketing as well? Feel free to reach out to me with the form below and get help with opening your own store! 

First Name

Last Name




Cam Callender