Sunday, November 10, 2024

Project CTC Loaded Device

 Get a 1 Connection subscription loaded to a streaming device, shipped directly to you!
Price $50.00 

Shipping is included in the price and the device will be shipped out within 72 hours. 

We have additional county channels that can be added. Please review this video, and let us know if you would like any additional categories added.

Additional tips and tricks video 

Project CTC 5 Connections

 Get 5 streaming connection to over 20,000 channels movies and series Price: 65.97 

We have additional county channels that can be added. Please review this video, and let us know if you would like any additional categories added. 

Additional tips and tricks video  

Project CTC 4 Connections

Get 4 streaming connection to over 20,000 channels movies and series Price: 55.97 

We have additional county channels that can be added. Please review this video, and let us know if you would like any additional categories added. 

Additional tips and tricks video 

Project CTC 3 Connections

 Get 3 streaming connection to over 20,000 channels movies and series Price: 45.97 

We have additional county channels that can be added. Please review this video, and let us know if you would like any additional categories added. 

Additional tips and tricks video 

Project CTC 2 Connections

Get 2 streaming connection to over 20,000 channels movies and series 
 Price: 35.97

We have additional county channels that can be added. Please review this video, and let us know if you would like any additional categories added. 

Additional tips and tricks video

Project CTC 1 Connection

 Get 1 streaming connection to over 20,000 channels movies and series

Price: 25.97 

We have additional county channels that can be added. Please review this video, and let us know if you would like any additional categories added.

Additional tips and tricks video 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Who's ready to grow their business automation? Project BA Bootcamps and ...

Check out this week's call with the business building meetup. We host a call on the 4th Saturday of each month to talk about growing businesses and tools to help.

This week's call highlights project BA with promo code bootcamp to get a discount to only $5 for the first month of service on the Core plan.

Head to to get access to the software that runs all of my businesses and take advantage of the promo code before the end of the month.

Use the yellow buttons on to connect on our Saturday calls for each topic.