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Showing posts with label PLS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PLS. Show all posts

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Who's ready to grow their business automation? Project BA Bootcamps and ...

Check out this week's call with the business building meetup. We host a call on the 4th Saturday of each month to talk about growing businesses and tools to help.

This week's call highlights project BA with promo code bootcamp to get a discount to only $5 for the first month of service on the Core plan.

Head to to get access to the software that runs all of my businesses and take advantage of the promo code before the end of the month.

Use the yellow buttons on to connect on our Saturday calls for each topic.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Who's ready to grow their business automation? Upcoming Small Business W...

Don't miss out on the upcoming small business workshop or the quickbooks discount!

Access the quickbooks discount at

Access the Small business workshop and marketing system at

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

I am a proud supporter of quickbooks and have used it along with Turbo Tax for my business for years. I will continue to use and as you know I only promote services I personally use. Here is my new partnership badge and link to get a discount on your subscription to quickbooks at


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Workshop Team of One

Great training on marketing and getting the system setup for you online business with project BA at

Use promo code Teamofone to get 40% off for the first 2 months! 

Saturday, May 4, 2024

The MSI Concept Summer Promotions

There are multiple summer promotions up and running. 
Definitely check out the video to recap them all. 

2 for 1 credit repair at

Fire referral promotion with project CTC at

The Q2 Goal Digger Celebration coming soon register at

Lots of great promotions to take advantage of. 

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Who's ready to grow their business automation? Monthly Update

Join us monthly in our building a business mastermind meetup group. If you are just starting or need help taking your business to the next level, this is the group to join to grow with technology designed to help your business succeed.

Join our monthly calls on the 4th Saturday of each month.

Get access to the best all in one marketing system at and save on your first month with promo code NEWBIZ30 

As always please do no hesitate to reach out at anytime for assistance.

Saturday, May 7, 2016


It has been a while since I have posted on here and its not that this site is dead...I have just been very busy working on The MSI Concept

What is the MSI Concept you might say? It is my own business that I have created and have been running since October 2015. So far we have 100+ members and are continuing to grow every single month! 

We will be having a webinar next Saturday, 5/14/16, to showcase all that has been created and what is to come. I highly encourage you to check it out and learn how you can earn some extra money from the comfort of your home with the MSI Concept

Join in the event via Facebook at

I look forward to seeing each and everyone of you on the webinar this Saturday! 

PS  - Lookout for the recording on Youtube if you cannot make it.

Cam Callender
Creator of the MSI Concept

Sunday, October 25, 2015

LSN Entrepreneur Membership A MUST HAVE in Marketing Online 2015 10 22

The system that everyone will need if they plan to Brand Themselves online is available! This is the same software I have used to create The MSI Concept and I will help you build up your Entrepreneur platform so that you can be the leader you were destined to be! 

Connect with me online so I can help you put your system together and begin developing your following online for your own opportunity!

Get access to create your own System at 

Friday, October 16, 2015


There is a new way to reach your financial freedom goals....The MSI Concept is now accepting free members into this revolutionary platform! Learn to Brand Yourself and Grow Your List to multiple product lines to generate an unlimited income potential! This Step by Step opportunity will show you how to increase your presence online and reach out to more people with any opportunity!

Don't already have an opportunity or product to market? No worries!! Come on board and market the product lines we work with to earn while you learn to market both online and offline!

It is 100% free to get started with The MSI Concept and you can remain a free member for as long as you need to. There is no bait and switch, there will always be a free member option. I have paved that way for you already. You can upgrade at anytime and I will work with you to honestly game plan a need for upgrade. If there is no need, no upgrade will take place. This is a different way of working online as it is a different mindset with a ‪#‎MSIMIND‬

Create a Free Account at today to get started on your financial freedom journey!


Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Go Fund Me has been a new avenue for many to take issues to the internet that need funding. While I do not discredit Go Fund Me, I think there is a better way. 

Before this time, I worked out my MSI Concept to allow someone with no income start to earn thru the system. I am now going to open this up even wider to be used similar to Go Fund Me. Now you can use my products to help fuel any project other than just getting started with the MSI Concept. But I am pretty sure you will want to be a member after your funding is completed!

This plan will run similar to Go Fund Me in the essence that you can use the funds for whatever you may need at that given time. If you have not already seen all of the products, check them out here

I offer products in Travel, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Cell Phones, Cell Service, Roadside Assistance and Skin Care
You can use any or all of these product lines to help fund anything you would like! Be sure to connect with me to get products to offer with your Go Fund Me projects to increase your donations. 

This is in short how the process would work. 

  • Review the product lines
  • Select what you would like to offer
  • Setup your Go Fund Me project
  • Set the amount of each donation prize above the product cost amount
  • Collect your Go Fund Me funds
  • Purchase the prizes and send to donators
  • Keep the remaining amount and commissions from product sales! 
You could potential double the amount your were expecting to receive as not only would you get direct profit from the donations, you would also get a kick back of the commissions earned on each of the donation prizes! This is a WIN-WIN. Your donators would get awesome prizes and you would get the funds you desperately need. 

If there are still any questions feel free to contact me with the form below. 

First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Email (required)
Phone (required)

Feel free to comment if you have any additional comments you would like to share.

Friday, May 15, 2015


There isn't much time left before the huge list drop starts with the MSI Concept! 

Its now time for you to get involved and take advantage of the spillover that is coming! 15,000 people will be contacted starting 6/1/15 with the full MSI Concept! This is the first wave and the leaders developed from it will go on to lock in a great residual income!! 

I hope to see you has one of the next people to get involved and take advantage of the MSI Concept and all it has to offer!! 

Check it out now at and get involved as soon as possible! 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Open Jacket Network New Video

New video to go up along with my new site 

Take part in this new system to help you grow your list and build your business online. Do not delay! The system is free right now but may not be for long. Act fast so you do not get stuck holding the bill.

Cam Callender

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Here is a brief overview of PLS. This system is one of the newest and greatest systems out to market any business! I use it to capture leads for my numerous affiliations even ones that are completely offline like the gym! 

You to can use this system and the best part about it is its now free to use! Head to to get the free version today!

Sign up for the full system to share it with others and earn at 

Thanks for reading

Cam Callender

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Its official folks PLS has paid out! I put my checking information into the system and requested a payout Sunday 10/27 and it hit my bank account just now at midnight turning 10/29! 2 days for a payout is not bad at all! 

These payouts will grow each and every week with each new member to PLS along with the residuals adding up month after month from the use of this great system! Not to mention the 100% compensation plan with the 50% matching on all personals! 

If you haven't gotten on PLS yet, definitely get in and take part of this great opportunity to really earn and help grow your business! The share buttons and floating capture page that has been on my site has all be part of PLS! 

You too can tap into this tool and get plenty of tools to grow your business. 

  • Capture Pages
  • Floating Drop down/Slide in Capture pages for your websites
  • Auto responders (customizable and prebuilt)
  • Email system
  • Contact Manager 
  • Domain hosting

All of the above is included along with a growing residual. See it for yourself at 

Monday, October 7, 2013


If you haven't heard about PLS (Power Lead System) by now then you must check out the video below! This system is literally going to change lives with its compensation plan.

Now after watching that you have to be excited! The system is ready to be customized to fit any business, online or offline! This is definitely the system to use to take your business to the next level. 

The sooner you get on board the sooner you can share with your network and not only build more leads for you primary business, but also create an additional stream of income by helping your team succeed all that much more! Definitely get on board and I will help you customize the system to fit for your business. 

Sign up now at 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

You Deserve To Triple Your Income in 90 Days or Less!

This is where you should be! A nice ocean view and living out your dreams every day. There is only one reason you are not there yet. You don't believe you should be. WHY?!

You should be there early in life not towards the end of it. You should have a residual income now, not when you are older. You should be earning money daily instead of worry about how much of it you already have to spend. 

This can all be possible for you and you deserve it! Your life should be lived thru not worked thru. There are many ways to escape and this may not be what your escape looks like but I want to help you reach it. I know residual income will be the foundation for it whatever your dreams and passions may be. I have found multiple ways to earn both online and offline. This one way alone can help you TRIPLE your income and not interfere with your current daily life!

If I could show you how it works, how it would create an income for you, how it can change your life, would you take a look at it?

If the answer to that question is yes, then click the link below and lets start a journey together to change your life, erase your debt, build you an income you deserve and have you living out your dreams!

You Deserve To Triple Your Income in 90 Days or Less!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

6 Months To Financial Freedom With The Power Lead System

Here is a video to really dive into the PLS system that will show you how this system will be able to not only change your life but can help you grow any business you want to be a part of!

The more you share the more you earn. It is really that simple! Get in and share with the world so that you can capitalize on this great system to shape your future.

Monday, September 23, 2013

1 WEEK TILL LAUNCH!!! Empower Network Members Must Read!

Get in NOW!!!!

With only 1 week left until launch, the time is now to get strapped in if you have not already heard about the great new twist on the 100% compensation plan model. This new system along with the compensation will be HUGE you don't want to miss out on this move!

There has been a lot of changes in the compensation plan and a more in depth view on what product we are actually getting. A FREE LEAD SYSTEM FOREVER!

1st: Upgrading is optional. You can try out the free lead system marketing platform for as little as $1. This will last for 7 days. If you're serious about this you'd want to upgrade because every other lead you get will be passed up to your sponsor.
2nd. The product will be $30 a month. You'll get:
Customizable lead capture and landing pages
Sales url implantable video pages
Google hangout pages
Email postcard pages
Ad and email tracker system
Sales generation training training
and more (check out the videos again) at PLS FUNNEL
3. The compensation plan.
Formally the payment plan was just 100% commission and 50% matching bonus on all pass ups. NOW we will get 50% commission on EVERY RECRUIT and the pass ups!!!
1. Unlike empower network the PLS will allow you to sell the marketing platform to any business owner, entrepreneur whether inside network marketing or not. the empower network blog is limited towards only network marketers. with the PLS you can adjust it to fit your business style and company.

2. The real money is in the 50% matching bonus. With the 100% commission you'll only get $20 per person a month. But with the 50% matching bonus you'll get half of what everyone earns. THIS IS ENORMOUS! No longer do you have to recruit a ton of people. As long as at least 4 of your people are making $1000 a month you'll be getting 2,000 a month from their efforts! Xplocial doesn't have 50% matching bonus on pass ups. This is essential!
So when the launch day comes I hope all of you keep your eyes focus on the HUGE POTENTIAL in the power lead system.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Check Out This New Twist

This system has been around for some time now but there has been a new twist added to it. You have seen Free Lead Systems and 100% commission compensation plans right?
Now they have been combined together here<<<<<<<CLICK

This system has a free version for you to use as well as a compensation plan that has been taking the Network Market industry by storm! Everyone is on the hunt for new, quality leads daily. Leads are the life blood of a business. The more leads you have, the more people you can share you opportunity with. 

Now is the time to check out this new system that is still in its pre-launch. I would really love to hear you thoughts on this new twist. This may make the cut for the MSI network. I am sure there will be more updates and changes to come with the new release. So far it is looking like a winner to me but I want to know what your thoughts are. 

Check out all the information at 

Comment below

Cam Callender 
Online Scout