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Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Who is winning in your opinion?

This debate can go back and forth for days on which is better but really I want to take the names out of it. Just looking at functionality and not hardware specs. No better way to boil down ANDROID vs APPLE than to compare what is in the phones itself. 

This is a bit harder to compare since there are so many Android phones out there so we can't dive to deep into the hardware so lets just focus mainly on the functionality. What you can actually do with the operating system itself. What limitations there are and lastly but not least what system do you see taking getting an edge up or taking over. 

All of those options and opinions are very valuable and many will have valid points on both sides. Me personally I am an Android user and do not prefer Apple. Although I know many who live by Apple and would not have anything else for their technology needs. So let's dive into it. 

First up APPLE

The first and most obvious answer that an Apple user would mention over Android is Siri. I have heard this time and time again of how much Siri can really help out the phone user. Siri has a number of useful features and can follow many commands as well as provide an element of comedy to some situations. Apple users please comment more on the uses of Siri and how she has changed your phone experience. 

Others have come to love the connectability of thru Itunes and having everything accessible in one device. We all know we like to have things in sync with each other and Apple has provided a way to keep everything together in their cloud. The wide spread of Itunes has made it an easy bonus to keep your music on your phone with you. 

Speed is another key factor that comes into play but that goes back into the hardware so we won't go at that too hard. Each phone is completely different so we wouldn't have a straight comparison for speed. Especially when it comes to different carriers and versions of phones. 

Apps is another piece to touch on as there are different applications available for both sides. The applications mainly function the same but some are different due to the difference in operating systems. Cost of apps and music can come into play as and edge up, I would say, to Android. 


There is the vast open source market. This allows tons of great minds to invent, innovate and update the numerous apps that are available. This can be a double edged sword as some may look to innovate but those updates could bring about new complications with the operating system. We have all experienced apps crashing at one time or another. 

Thus I still am a fan of the free market especially when it comes to music and technology. There is so much out there that some people want to just share it and get their name out. The money can come later but they first want to be known for a great song or application that revolutionizes the way we function. Look at Facebook for example. The money came later and Facebook remains free. 

Personally, I love the sync functions of Google with my contacts, email, browsing and documents thru Drive. Maps is also a great Google function. Android also has so many different phones that one can find a phone style that fits them. Some many not like the design of the iPhone while others love it. I believe a phone is a reflection of your own personal style so I like the Android line up as I can choose which style I want and with Google sync I can bounce from style to style. I must also have a physical keyboard. Just a personal preference on that. I have gone thru to many touchscreens in my day to not have the keyboard just for longevity of the phone. 

I have given my views, lets hear yours. Leave your comments below on how you feel about ANDROID vs APPLE

Knowledge Blast #7 Advice

Everyone is in need of advice at one time or another and throughout life people have many different advisers. This could be a teacher, a parent, a friend, a spouse, etcetera. Advice is meant to be helpful but it is not always from the best source. Some advisers do not have enough knowledge in the field they are advising you in. While others are negative in their advising. For example someone that has never played football probably shouldn't be coaching. I am sure you have had doubters in your life as well. There person that says that will never happen or that will never work, you should do this or be like me instead. If they do not have the life you want, are in a position you want to be in, or are moving the direction you want to go, then do not follow that person. If you accept someone's advice and opinion, you accept their lifestyle. In summary, not all advice is good advice.

In comes Network Marketing. When you are being advised in Network Marketing you are learning from someone who has already achieved what you are looking for. If you are learning from someone on your team, they have the most interest in seeing you succeed as there is usually compensation for that growth. Learn from someone that has what you want in life. If they do not have the life you want, are in a position you want to be in, or are moving the direction you want to go, then do not follow that person. If you wanted to study basketball you should probably follow tips from Michael Jordan, if you wanted to study surgery you should probably follow a renowned doctor and if you wanted to make money you should probably follow someone actually making the money you want to make with their own business. Not someone with a JOB because they generally have no idea how to make money as their JOB provides their money. A JOB can be ended at anytime for any reason. Follow someone that has been where you want to go. They know the road to destination because they have been there before. Don't get lost following someone who is still making a path.


Eric Worre's New Book!!

Eric Worre's New Book!!

Eric is a great inspiration and a wealth of knowledge. He provides amazing insight into the minds of networkers and people in general. I have always gotten great nuggets and hours of motivation from Eric's website. If you are not already a fan of his, definitely check out all of his great content at If you are already a fan, be sure to pick up a copy of the new book releasing Today here!

If you are a part of the network marketing profession or interested in learning more, Eric is definitely a great source of knowledge to tap into. Reason being, is his information is for general network marketing. There isn't the company ra, ra, ra or hype. It is all generic training that you can utilize in ANY COMPANY! That is the great part of Eric's information. Not only will he help your mindset change to grow, but you will also be able to share this information with anyone you come across and network with. This is the basis to becoming a network marketing professional.

Learning the skills necessary to be a network marketing professional can help expand your horizons on any platform. These are life skills not just business skills. The information that you will have access to can help you in just about any profession if you apply it correctly. With the vast amount of content available, you can find many lessons to learn and implement in your career to help you reach your life-long goals. This is all about you reaching your level of success, which is an opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and everyone is entitled to success. Success is yours for the taking! Go after in an avenue you can see yourself reaching it. If you are not currently in that avenue, start taking steps toward it. Start with small victories and move on to bigger goals and accomplishments. One step at a time is the only way to true success!

I hope you take advantage of all the information Mr. Worre has to offer and become a network marketing professional because "it is a stone-cold fact; we have a better way!" Now let's show the world.

Like the site? Leave a comment on topics you would like me to Scout out!

Average Life Span

This image truly changed my life and really began the course of my journey to success. The average person goes through 23-25 years with school, then joins the 40/40/40 club and works 40 hours a week, for 40 years of their life to retire on 40% of the income they struggled on for those 40 years of working. The retirement in the 40/40/40 club lasts about 20 years with average life expectancy of 85. 

In comes Network Marketing. The same schooling is followed at 23-25 years but work is then boiled down into 3-5 years. Which can now be done while going to school to insure that time frame is even shorter. That work life span of 3-5 years leaves 55 years for retirement with the average life expectancy of 85. That is more time to spend with your family and do everything you want to do in life! I choose Network Marketing!



Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Knowledge Blast #6 - Start up costs

There is always the negative connotation about Network Marketing's start up cost. Your JOB has a start up cost as well that you voluntarily pay. Transportation and clothing are two of the biggest that come to mind. Transportation covering a wide range of expenses too such as gas, bus passes, parking fees and rides. Those cost are all associated with your JOB. Clothing is another expense with some JOBs. Professional JOBs have dress codes that have to be followed and I am sure you have heard the term "work" clothes. Those are all costs related to your JOB which in actuality is temporary. You can't work your JOB forever.

In comes Network Marketing. The start up costs of Network Marketing are at times minimal in comparison to their value. I know an international business you can start for around $500! Yet people gripe about that. How much do you think it costs to start your own business? A restaurant? How much do you think it costs to start up the company that gave you a JOB? When thinking about that, how far does your JOB reach? A restaurant reaches about a 10 mile radius and people have to come to a physical location. That restaurant would have taken hundreds of thousands of dollars to start up and your finances will be in the red the day you open the door. Which is why most businesses fail in their first year. In Network Marketing, you have an international reach through the internet. The internet is everywhere these days and it is the #1 employee in the world. It never takes a day off and is always working! So when it comes to start up costs, think more on the value, the range and the true opportunity. I am sure you have heard the saying, "it takes money to make money". With that being said over look start up costs to and do what needs to be done to make money. That is what you do with your JOB when they tell you about their associated costs.


Monday, April 29, 2013

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