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Showing posts with label MSI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MSI. Show all posts

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Now is the time to come in and eliminate your phone bill! It can be done. I have eliminated mine! 

You should let me help you eliminate yours as well! 

See how simple it can be! 

For more information,

Check it out by clicking here

Sunday, March 1, 2015


The time has come for the MSI Concept to go into automation!

As mentioned before on my Facebook page, the Spillover is ready to be created with the new Tools Rock System!!

Now the MSI Concept is available 24/7 with all 7 Product Lines for your viewing pleasure at

Get connected either on this page or search me on Google with the Search term Cam Callender to connect in any way: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Email, Phone, etc. It is all available on a Google search after the online work that I have complete. 

I am maxed out on Facebook freinds but you can still message me at any time so if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. 

10 new millionaires will be created in the next 10 years! I want you to get started with the MSI Concept and become 1 of them!! 

Please see the webinar at and select the product line or product lines you would like to be a part of.

I cover Travel, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Cell Phones, Cell Service, Roadside Assistance and Skin Care

If you join 1 you will have my full support on any venture you choose inside or outside of the MSI Concept! I will give you the full insight on my training and techniques that I used to make my name the full first page of Google and how I got to 5000 Facebook friends in less than 6 months! 

Any questions you have inside or outside of MSI, I will answer openly and honestly by just being a part of 1 of the product lines! 

Sunday, December 7, 2014


The journey has begun and you can join in on the ride! The MSI concept has been completed and now is in launch mode! All the pieces of the puzzle have been set and the customization is unmatched anywhere else! 

Get a chance to see what it is all about before everyone else by schedule you presentation time slot!

The growth will continue but right now there will 650 total presentations! The first 50 will be live to give those who are on board a first movers advantage before the viral video will be created! Get your presentation spot by reach out and scheduling at time. 

The Facebook event has already been launched and a few presentations already completed! Do not miss out on your chance to be in the forefront of the MSI concept! 

Reach out and be enlightened -

Saturday, October 25, 2014


The new video has been long overdue but it is now here for your informational enjoyment! This is a new concept and it will continue to be built and refined. This is the next evolution of the strategic way of building.

If you have interest in learning more or know of someone that might be, please connect with me on Facebook.

Feel free to leave a comment here or on youtube of your thoughts on the video. 

Monday, September 1, 2014


Thanks for viewing the page as much as you do! 

A new segment has been developed on Facebook! Check out the new page

Feel free to give it a Like and help it grow! 

Thanks for all of your continued support.

Cam Callender

Saturday, May 31, 2014


This new program is sweeping the globe with this revolutionary product and pay plan! Take a look at just one of the payout options available

This accelerated payout is getting more people paid faster! There is a great system to help you grow this business and fuel your retirement too. Get signed up at today and get a free look into how this business can be grown for you online! 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


The MSI Network is about to take on a whole new approach. A massive takeover is going into affect and if you want to be a part of the waive of the future, get involved! This system will be top notch and will take the guess work out out of networking online.

It will be able to move as fast as you want to move and it will earn as much as you need to earn. It is all up to you. Just like losing weight ultimately comes down to calories in and calories out, this new system will be the complete numbers game! How many leads can you close? How many do you need to close? How long are you will to work to hit you numbers? How much can you invest to do so? 

All of these questions are the setup to the new MSI Network concept. Takeover is imminent. This concept is going to be a sweeping nation and you can either hop on the train or get passed by waiting for the next one. Are you ready to be a part of the MSI Network and follow a team building concept? With combined efforts, we will all prosper. 

Subscribe below to stay up to date on the latest videos to come and where the movement is headed. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


It's time to save the world! I firmly believe Network Marketing can save the world. It is a profession that provides long lasting income for those that take the time to build it. We can all build a salary with Network Marketing. Let's TEAM UP and help saved the world together!

We all already refer products and services, now lets makes sure we capitalize on securing the profits companies are willing to give away for those referrals. Network Marketing companies already see the value of it and have been giving away a portion of profits for years and will continue to do so. Other companies are opening up to the idea more and more with Affiliate Marketing

Why not open your mind to the idea of earning from the work you are already doing? Refer people to companies that will pay you for their referral and if you are not looking to get anything out of it, refer them to people that are! Help out other networkers so they can in turn be prosperous.

Thanks for reading

-Cam Callender

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


The first venture of MSI is set to be Solavei! It is simple and not only that it is very social. Who doesn't have a cell phone these days right?

Here is the live hangout on the overview. Get Teamed up with MSI on our Google+ community 

Thursday, December 5, 2013


A brief overview of the vision and what we will be working towards with MSI! 

This will truly be game changing and takeover how we approach network marketing. Its time to really take a step back and look at how great of an opportunity network marketing is as a whole. Its no longer going to be about who has the best juice, who has training, or who is the new shinny program.

It is going to be about true NETWORKING. We are all coming together to push each other up and build in a structure that helps everyone move forward and build a base foundation to stand on that continues to grow. It will be the training ground for Network Marketing and really get people off to the right start and see a level of success that can keep them going long into the future. 

This is the FARM system of network marketing and it will be the basis to give any networker the power to build any business moving forward. That way you can have the income built to follow thru with promoting ANY business you are passionate about. 

TEAM UP and let's build an amazing legacy networking with each other! 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Multiple Streams of Income Builders Hangout

The first launch phase of MSI is ready to take off! We have all the parts in place now and it is time to share the concept and start the first wave!

This first wave will be the basis of the team to go into the 90 day recruitment phase for the first rotation. Do not miss out on being in on the first rotation so that you can begin to earn early on and then help others to reach their $1000 per month residual foundation! 

The event is available to join in on at
it will be a Google Hangout event that will air on YouTube as well. The YouTube link will be list after the event but don't wait for that when you can get in live! Those in live will be have the first move to act and will be ahead of the pack in rotation. 

If you have not already gotten a glimpse of the vision head to this post CLICK HERE

It is time to TEAM UP and really take advantage of the power of network marketing. Everyone deserves residual income, so let's go get our slice of the pie! 

See you on the Hangout

Cam Callender
International Recruiter

Thursday, May 16, 2013



I am looking at really forming a team, not just for any one company but a team that is focused on helping everyone in the group become successful. No man left behind and all fighting as one towards a common goal. That goal is simple MSI - Multiple Streams of Income. 

Those MSI's can come from many different places but the goal is to get each member of the team to $1,000 residual income and lock it in solid. Doing this will give each Networker a foundation in which they can build any business with. From the foundation of $1,000 residual, this gives most everyone the ability to tap into their full potential to network. 

Once you have gained your $1,000 residual income, you are then free to continue promoting your favorite business or any new business to continue to grow your income to even greater amounts! The $1,000 is not a ceiling its a foundation. Building as a team all on the same mindset will really be the catalyst for assisting so many struggling networkers. 

We all know Network Marketing works. We have seen the success stories around the world and in many companies. If you haven't seen them, they are LIMITLESS. It is the purpose of the team to work with making you a success story! 

This can be accomplished thru teamwork. As we all come together, there will be great accomplishment in helping others succeed with incomes growing well over the $1,000 residual goal. Let's team up and build a legacy of success stories that will set the standard for how Teams are to really come together and prosper.

A group is already starting to form on Facebook at 
It is an open group that I admin and can get you added in. Please message me first so we can get to know each other first hand. 

Thanks for reading! Subscribe by email at the bottom of the page if you like to stay up to date on my newest posts.